Friday, May 4, 2012

Learning Styles- What I love about Customizing my Kids Education!

Did I mention that I LOVE HOME SCHOOLING?

I am frequently asked why I made the decision by some that are truly interested and others that are looking on with a critical eye. One of my major reasons for home schooling (other than being my children's primary spiritual influence in a crazy world) is the ability to customize their education.

Each of my children have different learning styles, personalities and ways of coming to conclusions. I have auditory learners, moving learners and abstract thinkers. They all need a different way of looking at things to get to the same answer. Home schooling allows me to do that. The only child that would remotely succeed in a "traditional" sit down and listen for 6 hours type of school, would be my auditory learners. Everyone else can be easily labeled and cast aside, as so many children are every school year.

Since I know what learning style my children have, I can plan their curricullums accordingly. After all, their success and confidence is a priority. I encourage parents to observe and investigate each of their children's educational needs and styles. Get books, do your research. You and your child will be glad you did.

A child who is hands on will suffer if you try to get them to learn math like a child who is not. A hands on learner may be better at things like science, art and other subjects that allow for physical investigation of a topic or thing. They need all the basics, but give that child as much as you can in those areas and you will be surprised at the level of confidence and genius that you will unveil.

So don't pick a "one-size-fits-all" curricullum and force it down every child's throat and wonder why one child may be excelling and everyone else is struggling.

Be passionate about encouraging them in their strengths and abilities. They will thank you later!

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