Friday, June 15, 2012

Fostering Creativity in a Digital World

We live in such a fast paced world that it is hard to slow down and actually enjoy silence or a good book. I remember playing outside for hours as a kid. Today's kid is overwhelmed by messages from the TV, computer, cell phones, video games and more. I never had those things competing for my attention as a child or teenager.

Does your child know what is like to be alone and have quiet time? Are they in a complete frenzy when you make them turn off the TV and video games? Do they know how to entertain themselves. Many adults and children alike say that they are not creative. To be creative takes inspiration and what inspires one person may not inspire another. We are ALL creative in different ways. If we never slow down to foster and explore our creativity, we may never find it.

You cannot let a child spend so much time on the internet, video gaming, in front of the TV or constantly gone for extra curricular activities that they never know HOW to have quiet down time. In my home, we have daily quiet reading time as well as creative play & family play.

Quiet Reading Time- this is different from their reading for home school assignments. This is reading that fosters their passions and current interests. They are required to go in a room alone with all their favorite books and enjoy the down time while reading about their favorite subjects, people, magazines, etc. I always tell my kids that anything they want to be, anywhere they want to go and any area in which they want to be an expert STARTS IN A BOOK!

Creative Play Time- this is time where they have no technology to keep them in a daze. Whether it be indoors or outdoors they are given a few things to play with and get creative. Once, I took all of the toys out of the play room (I mean ALL) and I told them to get creative. Before I knew it they came into the kitchen with a play they had reenacted from their favorite Bible story. I have done the same with outdoor time. "OK guys, you have nothing but balls to play with outside today." Together they came up with many fun games that they would have never come up with if they were not in that situation. Things like this foster creativity, learning how to re-purpose things and confidence in their own ingenuity.

Family Play- Sending them outside is a good thing! However, going outside with them and actually getting down and dirty is even better. Kids will remember that their play time was not always time for you to cook, get chores done or have down time yourself BUT that it is fun time for you too. Play games, sports, wrestle, art and any other group activities your family enjoys together.

Not one of these things requires an electronic device and your kids will thank you for it! ENJOY!

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